
Posts Tagged ‘Rural Grants’

Rural Grants for Michigan’s Domestic Abuse Resources

Judge Richard B. Halloran’s service as a judge spans more than two decades. He currently serves as a Michigan, Wayne County Circuit Judge, a position he has held since 1998. Judge Halloran is particularly committed to his work in the area of domestic violence. He served on the Michigan Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment Board from 1998 to 2001.

The Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board (MDSVPTB) was created in 1978. It is a board of individuals, appointed by the governor, whose focus is the state’s work with regard to the issue of domestic violence. The MDSVPTB allocates numerous grants as part of its work. The Rural Grant Program works with federal funds to support counties with very limited domestic violence resources. This improves the quality of outreach, as well as the various programs’ ability to offer services. Rural grants specifically facilitate new strategies to address issues with transportation, child care, finances, and communication experienced by victims within rural communities.